Meet some success stories with Addvantit

Success stories

Below are stories of some of the more than 100 successful software implementations that Addvantit has had in companies in Mexico, the United States and other Latin American countries.

Industrial sector



CUANDA is a Mexican company that manufactures candies and sweets with more than 40 years of experience in the industry; they are known for manufacturing some of the most recognized brands in the country. Located in Celaya, Guanajuato, CUANDA has positioned itself as a leader in its sector, maintaining a constant growth that required an automated control to stay on track. The decision to implement the ERP Microsoft Business Central, obeyed to mark a clear and directed way to continue growing in the next 40 years.

Learn more about how Microsoft Business Central ERP is helping CUANDA.

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Integradora Hortícola del Bajío (IHB)

IHB is one of the most important agribusiness companies in Mexico. For a long time, the company's focus has been on taking care of every last detail of vegetable production for more than 20 years. The need to integrate the operational and administrative areas, was a trigger for the choice of a solution such as Microsoft Business Central to automate and integrate their processes properly.

Learn more about how Microsoft Business Central ERP and other peripheral solutions are helping IHB.

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Education sector


Cuauhtémoc University - San Luis Potosí

Universidad Cuauhtémoc San Luis Potosí has always been known for seeking the necessary innovation to be one of the universities with the best administrative processes. After several months of work, the implementation of tools such as PowerCampus allowed them to adapt to the urgent need to automate processes such as online payments, enrollment and student activity tracking.

Learn how the implementation of an ERP specifically designed to meet their administrative needs impacted their operations.


CLEU University

Colegio Libre de Estudios Universitarios is one of the fastest growing institutions of higher education in Mexico in recent years.

The challenges of process automation and its acceleration during 2020 allowed CLEU to position itself as a solid university and even increase the number of sites, which represented a significant increase in the administrative burden. Thanks to the implementation of solutions such as PowerCampus and a functional CRM, CLEU has based its growth on the order of its operations.

Learn more about the impact of an Academic ERP on CLEU University's operations.


Do you want to know more?

Contact us for more information about our implementations and learn more about Addvantit's work processes.

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