ERP software for higher education institutions

Take full control of your institution, simplify your processes and increase your enrollment.

Exceed your expectations with a configurable ERP system designed for mid-sized and growing institutions.

Why Ellucian Power Campus

Used by more than 200 institutions and universities worldwide to increase productivity and enhance the student experience.

Improved efficiency

Automate critical tasks and processes with integrated workflows.

Improved communication

Communicate effectively with your students, from recruitment to graduation.

Total control

Configure Ellucian PowerCampus™ the way that is best for your institution.

All-in-one ERP and CRM for universities

Key to your strategic decisions

Increase the intelligence of your strategic decisions and maintain control of the data provided by the platform.

Accompany your students' journey

Follow up your new prospects in a timely manner

+ 0
years of experience
+ 0
Implementations in Latin America
+ 0 K
Students served

They already trust us

An institution-wide solution

The #1 partner in Latin America

Get to know the most complete and specialized integral solution for higher education institutions. Implement state-of-the-art technologies to streamline your processes with the leaders in specialized technology development in the world.

Shall we begin?

Schedule a FREE needs analysis. Request an appointment with a specialist to discuss your implementation needs.