Why should I consider ERP for my Fashion and Textile company?

In the fashion and textile industry, efficient management of business processes is essential to ensure the success and profitability of companies. To achieve this, many companies have chosen to implement an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system specifically designed for their industry. What is an ERP system and what is it for?


Como las aplicaciones comerciales inteligentes pueden ayudar a acelerar su transformación digital.

El mundo digital está cambiando rápidamente. Los clientes, al igual que los negocios, tienen que adaptarse a él y transformarse para sobrevivir. Las soluciones de transformación digital son la respuesta perfecta para ayudar a los clientes a hacer frente a este cambio constante y brindarles una experiencia mucho más inteligente y personalizada. Proporcionan capacidad de


By 2024, half of all SMEs will be in the cloud

The world economic situation is going through complicated times due to the fact that a large number of companies have entered into crisis due to the different situations that have occurred in the last 2 years. With this, most of the companies have turned to technology as an investment in the innovation of their processes that will allow them to improve the quality of their products and services.